Life is so busy now that I have my little girl, but I am loving every minute of it, she is now 7 months old and getting so big, she sits up by herself and rolls over, she wants to walk already so bad, when we hang on to her hands she will take steps its so cute. I cannot see how I have ever lived without her. Here is a couple of pics of her, she now weighs 17 1/2 pounds... you couldnt tell she was a preemie at all!! She babbles alot... and I think at times she wants my attention she will mock me coughing, and then when I look over at her she will giggle at me. Shes a really good baby, she sleeps threw the night and goes a good 10 hours at night without eating. Yaaa for sleep. Shes trying to cut some teeth, the doctor said she is getting all 4 at once, poor baby, she fusses at times but even tho she is hurting she still manages to smile. Shes a people person, when we are out and about she will smile big at everyone that walks by, those people cannot resist to talk to her, shes just a really happy sweet baby and we are so lucky to have her. I will post more later... hopefully she will start to crawl soon and I will try to get it on video. Bye for now. Candi
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Our little girl is here
Ryley Rose was born 4 1/2 weeks early on December 29th at 254pm via c section. She is perfect!! I had preclampsia from 31 weeks till delivery and was in the hospital for 4 weeks, but it was all so worth it. We couldnt be any happier, Ryley came home with us on January 4th and we finally feel complete with our little family. Everyone is healthy and doing well.
She weighed 4lbs 14oz.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Its a GIRL!!!!

Well we found out today that we are having a little girl, we are so excited! The doctor said everything looked perfect and everything was normal looking... Yaaaa, thats always good to hear. Our little girl is getting so big already, they said that she weighed around 9 ounces. Me and hubby went out to babies r us after the appointment and we each picked out two outfits, and they were not green or yellow LOL... Im so happy that I can stop buying the neutral outfits.We are naming her Ryley Rose, after my grandma. Here is a couple pictures from the appointment today. Talk to you all soon!!
Monday, August 24, 2009
15 week pictures

Well I am now actually 17 weeks and 2 days pregnant and I feel great! No problems so far and my blood sugars are good. My last a1c was 6.0 wooo hooo. Wednesday we have our anatomy scan and hopefully we get to find out if we are having a little girl or little boy. We do not care just as long as its healthy. I am starting to feel the baby move here and there and its so exciting. I just cant wait until I can feel it all the time and a little bit stronger. I will take what I get for now. Here is me at 15 weeks pregnant. I think im even bigger now. I will update you all on Wednesday or Thursday with a new baby picture and hopefully the sex!!
Friday, July 24, 2009
13 weeks

Hey everyone, just wanted to give you an update, can you beleive that I am already 13 weeks and everything is going great so far, I have gained 5 pounds and my belly is getting bigger and bigger I think as I speak. I havent had any morning sickness, just been really really irritable, now that im hitting the 2nd trimester it is finnally tappering off. We did the first trimester screening and everything went well, said I should be ok and that baby only has a 1-5500 chance of having downs syndrome. We are getting so excited , I cannot wait until I can feel the baby move. The end of next month we will find out what we are having, I dont really care what it is as long as its healthy. Here is my 12 week ultrasound picture, I will keep you updated on the next ultrasound. Thanks for reading and take care. xxxx
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Sorry I havent wrote in a while, I have been busy going crazy trying to find out if this was real or not. I tested the first time on May 18th and got a faint BFP tested everyday and they started getting darker and darker. Confirmed the pregnancy at the doctors on Friday the 22nd. OMG We are finally having a baby, I cannot beleive it! My due date is around January 31st give or take, and I have been babying myself ever since I found out. It took us 4 rounds of artificial insemination and now I can say that Im going to be a mommy. Thanks so much for reading and god bless you all, also for all the women out there still trying to get pregnant, whatever you do ..... DO NOT GIVE UP, it will work just try and try again. ((((HUGS))) TaKE Care everyone!
Friday, May 15, 2009
Not much going on
well I am 7 dast past my iui (artificial insemination) and I have the usuall symptoms since last time I had this done, it unfortunate that all the fertility meds mimic being pregnant so who knows if its pregnant symptoms or medicine side effects. I do still feel positive. This time we had a different room , and different person doing the insemination, hopefully this will be our baby!! Im keeping my fingers crossed. My health is still staying good as well, no respitory problems since last October thank goodness, I have another cf appointment next tuesday, I am suppose to take a pregnancy test on Friday...too bad I couldnt take it before going to cf doctor, that would be great to let my lung doc know that we are finally pregnant after almost two years of trying and 7 months going to reproductive doctor. So hopefully the next time that I will post , it will be a BFP!!! Type at you all later.... God Bless you!! ((((HUGS))) Candi
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